Life drawing workshops (UPDATE SEPT.21)

Several people contacted me over the years asking if I was still organizing english-speaking drawing workshops here in Vilnius. My previous article must still appear high on Google. Good news: we’re back!
The drawing course happens every Wednesday unless stated otherwise. It starts at 18h30 but you can come a bit earlier to discuss. The address is:
VOID & FORM Art Studio
A. Jakšto g. 9, room 330
01105 Vilnius
The lessons are conducted in English. French and Finnish also available. I will do my best to understand each participant’s goals and help them on their artistic journey, with advice and resources.
Please head to or for additional information. You can also me directly using my contact form. The fee is 10 euro.
We hope to see you there!
EDIT: Updated in September to reflect location changes.

- Posted by Paul Takahashi
- On July 29, 2020